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INT 33h, 03h (3) Get Mouse Position and Button Status
Returns the state of the mouse buttons and the coordinates of the cursor
On entry: AX 03h
Returns: BX Button Status
CX Horizontal Position
DX VerticalPosition
Function 3 returne the state of the left and right mouse buttons and the
horizontal and vertical coordinates of the cursor.
The button state is a single integer value. Bit 0 represents the left
button; bit 1 represents the right button. Theese bits are 1 if the
corresponding button is down, and 0 if it is up.
The cursor coordinates are allways within the range of minimum and
maximum values for the virtual screen.
See Also:
INT 33h, 04h
Virtual Screen
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson